If you are new to all this technical stuff you maby wanna know what all this means. Here is a list of all the terms you might not know yet. If you find a term that isn´t explained here please inform us about it on our discord, so we can add the term to the list.
A domain name is a unique easy-to-remember address used to access websites. It looks like this: example.com
The IP address is a string of characters that identifies each Computer on the Internet. The main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is that IPv6 addresses are longer.
A URL is the address of a unique resource on the Internet. It looks like this: https://www.example.com
. As you can see the URL contains the domain name. The difference to a domain name is that a URL will lead you directely to a location and includes more information.
The Domain Name System turns domain names into IP addresses, so browsers can load websites via domain names. A DNS query is the request from a Device to a DNS Server to provide an IP Address to a domain name. If these querys are sent to the DNS Server of your ISP it can see wich sites you visited on the Internet ("DNS leak").
An Internet Service Provider is a company that provides access to the Internet. You usually pay a monthly subscribtion for this service.
An Antivirus Software detects, prevents and delets malicious software and viruses on your computer.
Firewalls provide protection against outside cyber attackers by shielding your computer or network from unnecessary network traffic and only allowing traffic that is needed. Portmaster is a Firewall.
In this wiki we are mainly talking about SPN nodes.SPN Nodes are Servers where your connections go through. These Servers can´t identify the connections because they are encrypted (see SPN).
SPN builds a network of servers (nodes). Your Connections get broken up into tiny same-sized bits and then send randomly through the network where your data gets mixed up with the data from all other users. Therefore no one can track your connections, not even Safing because your connection is splittet into multiple parts and is encrypted.
A VPN only has one extra Sever that is between you and a Internet Page. Your Connection gets send to the VPN Server and gets wrapped in a Layer of encryption and than goes to your Device. But with a VPN your ISP can still see the size of the Connection. Also the incomming and outgoing connections of the VPN Server can still be matched, for example from the ISP of the VPN Server. So your data isn´t that private with a VPN.
An Operating System is a Software that supports the basic functions of a computer. For example Windows or Linux.
An API is a point where other programs can connect to a system and can communicate with it.
A Virtuall Machine simulates a seperat computer enviroment, it can even run a other operating System than the Computer on wich the virtual machine runs on. The main use for VMs is testing.
Github is a web-badsed interface that uses Git, the open source version control software that lets multiple people make seperate changes to web pages at the same time.